LinkedIn Profile vs Linkedin Page

Creating a LinkedIn Profile for Entrepreneurs

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LinkedIn Profile vs Linkedin Page

Feature LinkedIn Profile Linkedin Page
Purpose Personal professional account Brand or organizational representation
Owner Individual user Organization, company, institution, etc.
Content Personal information, work experience, skills, education, interests Organization overview, products/services, updates, events, jobs, etc.
Customization Customize profile picture, headline, summary, sections, and media Customize banner image, logo, about section, and featured content
Connections Connect with colleagues, peers, recruiters, etc. Followers (not connected), employees/admins, and admins can follow other pages
Engagement Share updates, articles, comments, and messages Post updates, articles, job postings, events, and interact with followers
Analytics View profile views, post engagement metrics Access page analytics including followers, post reach, engagement, and visitor demographics
Advertising No advertising options Sponsored content, advertising options available
Membership Free for individual users Free for organizations, additional features available with paid plans

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