
8 Benefits of an Internship

8 benifits of an Internship

What is an Internship?

An internship is an official program that is offered by an employer to potential employees, called interns to work for a certain amount of time. Most of the internships last between a month and 5 months. Internships are usually part-time during a university semester and full-time if offered during the vacation periods.

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Internships are very helpful for undergraduate or graduate students who need to gain valuable work or research experience. Internships can be provided for digital marketing degrees, healthcare programs, paralegal certificates, and many other career choices. An internship gives you practical skills, workplace experience and greater knowledge of industry, in exchange for the employer benefiting from your work.

How Is an Internship Different from Apprenticeship?

An intern is not necessarily to work for the employer after the internship is over, though many do. Internship is more flexible and they allow you to try different companies, work in different roles and really explore an industry in depth. I’ve found that internships are a great opportunity to learn more about your future career goals and interests, while also developing the knowledge and skills that you’ll need to be successful. And as we know, not all internships are paid.

Apprentices know which field they want to choose and go into, and work with a master in that field to learn it first-hand. It is an paid programme, where you can earn at least national minimum wage or apprenticeship rate depending on your age. Apprenticeship will last between 12 and 18 months, depending on the level of the qualification.

What are the Difference between a Paid and Unpaid Internship?

There are two main types of internship: Paid and Unpaid Internship ones. Most of the internships are unpaid. This is because candidates are not here to earn money, but rather to earn valuable knowledge and experience. To be lawful, for an unpaid internship you should be benefiting more than the company. As per U.S. federal law, unpaid interns cannot benefit the company economically or be used to displace the work done by paid employees. Additionally, some states have their own regulations regarding unpaid interns.

Majority of internships in U.S. are work experience internships. Interns are essentially on-the-job training in a field that the student or young worker is interested in. However, there are also research internships, which are more common in scientific fields. With this research internship, a student will examine a particular topic practically on behalf of a business before producing a written study or presentation.

How Do I Find an Internship?

Very firstly you need to determine what you need. If you are a college fresher, you might be interested in exploring a variety of different internships that can help you to determine your major or ultimate career path. Seniors in college, on the other hand, usually can help, where they want to gain valuable work experience and discover opportunities for employment after graduation.

Like finding a job, the process of finding an internship can be challenging and time consuming. There are thousands of websites that students can use to find internships. Although, not all sites are produce the best internship opportunities. Here are a few places to look for internships:

LinkedIn – Some of the best internships you can find through networking online.

com – Indeed is not just a job finding site . Did you know you can also search internships on this popular site? Many of the job boards and company pages use this site to offer job and internship. It also allows you to save searches and have internship listings delivered by email alert.

com – is one of the most popular websites for finding and internship. It offers wide search criteria and includes major, industry, location, and company limiters.

State and Local Employment Agencies – Every state has a government-sponsored employment agency that will guide state residents in finding employment and, in many cases, internships too.

Importance of Internships

1. Gain work experience.

The work experience interns receive cannot be obtained in a classroom setting, making this one of the most important benefits of internships. Interns have the opportunity to transform acquired theoretical knowledge to real work experiences, witnessing job duties they can expect to encounter in their chosen field. In addition, you’ll be learning the specialized skills of a particular field, such as communication, teamwork, and computer proficiency are also obtained in an internship, fully preparing interns to enter the workforce upon graduation.

2. Explore a career path.

College experience and internships are a great way for students to explore themselves with the field they are interested in. Some students at beginning of the college have a major or career path in mind, and end up changing their minds later on. Internship allows students to work in their desired field, helping them decide if the field is right for them. And by graduation, students who interned are more likely to feel confident they chose the right degree.

3. Give yourself an edge in this competitive job market.

Graduates with some work experience in the form of an internship stand out to potential employers. Experience and skills learnt during internship makes a college grad more marketable as they usually require less training and can handle more responsibilities. You may also get a higher starting salary than those who do not have internship experience and are entering the workforce or starting a new career.

4. Close the skills gap.

You will come to know about your strengths and weaknesses during an internship. Newly coined grads entering the workforce will lack the skills employers need, specially the softer skills like professionalism, leadership and communicating effectively. Internship helps candidates to close the gap with real-world experience and at the same time develop future grads to be ready to hit the working environment at your company.

5. Receive compensation.

Many of the internships are paid ones, which means you can gain valuable work experience and make money at the same time. And you can fund your college fees and other expenses.

6. Enhance your social media outreach.

In the Digitally connected world, college students are typically having social media savvy. By the recent survey from the Pew Research Center showed that in the 18-24 demographic, around 75% use Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat. Not only that, they’re well informed about current events, popular culture, and the best social media trends.

Interns can enhance your current strategy and build your following on social media platform. And if you aren’t yet on social media, it’s certainly a good idea. Your internship candidates can help you establish a social media presence and grow your business forward.

7. Gain confidence.

Internships allow you learn cutting-edge strategies, techniques, and technology in their field and gives you direct access to recent developments. It’s an opportunity to apply what you have learned in a classroom where mistakes are expected – rather than learn the hard way in your first job out of college.

8. Transition into a job.

Internships are used as the way to enhance their recruitment efforts. In some cases, a company may decide to hire an intern at the end of the project or assignment. Even if there is no job offer, an intern who makes a favorable impression could receive an offer down the line when an opening occurs. It’s a good way for companies to test out an employee before committing to hiring them.

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